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Hi! My name is Tanya Gupta and I am a senior at California High School. After 2 years of extensive food science research, I've created this interactive website. I've always loved baking and my favorite subject is chemistry, so that got me thinking about how chemistry contributes to nutritional properties and how that shapes food's interaction with the body. Food impacts not just our health, but our stress levels, brain performance, and how we conduct ourselves every day. 


According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease affects nearly half of American adults and the CDC has reported that over 2/3 of them are either overweight or obese. Every person has a different body type and activity level, so everyone's needs are different. So how do we find the best diet for each individual? Through science. By learning basic nutrition concepts and the science behind it, everyone can understand how to make beneficial decisions for themselves, especially important as the internet can be a conflicting and confusing source of information. 


So this interactive website breaks down numerous health and nutrition topics through a scientific lens, so you can start thinking about what's best for yourself! Click here to choose your own adventure and start learning!

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